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Leaders are influencers and persuaders

Jul 17th

A mistake executives often make is thinking that being a leader and being a manager are the same thing. But while there are similarities, they are quite distinct. Virginia Merritt asks, is leadership just high-level stuff?

By Rhymer Rigby, The Financial Times

A mistake executives often make is thinking that being a leader and being a manager are the same thing. But while there are similarities, they are quite distinct…

Is leadership just high-level stuff?
“You need to stay up on the balcony where you can see what’s happening on the dance floor, rather than being on the dance floor,” says Virginia Merritt, a partner at Stanton Marris, a strategy consultancy.

Leading also has a far stronger political element than managing. However, she adds: “You need to deal with the emotional stuff as well. You have to tune into the mood of people and connect with them. Leaders are influencers and persuaders. It’s a fine balancing act…

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This article is filed under: leadership, transformational leadership

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