Our Publication

Making strategy work

Jul 16th

Between developing strategy and its successful execution lies a high risk territory where things can go wrong. In this issue we discuss how to head off these risks and realise your ambitions. This booklet also includes client stories on Balfour Beatty, Mondi, Addleshaw Goddard and the Foreign & Commonwealth Office.

“It used to be that organisations had people who were good at strategy and people who were good at getting things done – execution. The new area that has opened up is in the middle – how to execute.”
Adam Crozier, Chief Executive, Royal Mail

Between strategy development and its successful implementation lies a high risk territory where things can go wrong, off track or just get bogged down. We’ve all seen what happens when:

  • leaders who don’t fully support the strategy quietly subvert it
  • managers don’t see the benefit of new ideas, so they resist what feels like extra work
  • people aren’t fully engaged, so don’t give their full commitment

This everday friction derails the implemntation of even the best strategies.

To head off these risks and realise your ambitions, you need to understand and tackle what happens here. Investment at this early stage means you don’t waste time, effort and resource struggling to fix the impact of the human factor later on.

Stanton Marris combines strategy and people expertise in a completely different kind of consultancy – the only one of its kind focused purely on making strategy work. By working with the politics, personalities, behaviours and processes, breaking down barriers and making the most of what’s going well, we help clear the path to results.

Read the full report here

This article is filed under: Change, making strategy work, strategic capability, strategy, strategy development, strategy implementation

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