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Working differently is working smarter

Jul 17th

High productivity is down to culture and organisation not necessarily just individuals says John Bruce-Jones. We take a look at a key approach that is often underplayed or overlooked altogether…

By John Bruce-Jones, The Municipal Journal

High productivity is down to culture and organisation not necessarily just individuals says John Bruce-Jones.

Management reviews and delayering to reduce management costs are part of every public agency’s agenda, the question is how to undertake these changes in a way that leaves the organisation healthier and more productive. One approach being pioneered by LGIB may provide the answer.

One of the largest studies on productivity and individual performance showed that high performing employees are between 40 and 100% more productive than low performers. The most marked productivity differences are in managerial and professional jobs. The study (Schmidt and Hunter, 1998) also showed that only 20% of these variations in performance are due to organisational conditions (processes and systems, culture etc).

Read the full report here

This article is filed under: organisation, organisation design, organisational culture, reorganisation

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