Tag Archives: "more for less"

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How to do more with less

Feb 04th

“My mantra is simplification, both internally and with the clients I am working with. That means always asking the questions, is this the simplest way of doing it? Is this an elegant way of doing it? Is this absolutely necessary, does it really add value? Is it freeing up time for people to add value doing the things that really matter, or is it just eating up your time? The most successful businesses have simplification ingrained in their DNA”

In these belt tightening times, exactly how can businesses keep growing? Management Today gathered a group of corporate leaders and asked what



Find out why the best organisations are getting back to basics

Oct 07th

There’s no room for flabby businesses today, even those that weathered the storm are cutting back on essentials. This month’s editor, Andrew Jackson, looks at what you can do to improve your bottom line.  Read the full article Getting back to basics

Also featuring in the October strategy digest…

The bitter pill of spending cuts
How to successfully move up in the world
How to ensure your legacy

To receive your own copy of the monthly Inside Track strategy digest, register now at www.stantonmarris.com



‘More for less’ versus ‘waste’

Apr 06th

Since last year the biggest challenge for the UK public sector has been to find ways of doing “more for less”.  Now, however, we are starting to hear a lot more about “waste” – especially after the recent TV Chancellors’ Debate.  Is this just a change of words, or is the distinction important?

Our big challenge is to reduce the public sector deficit as quickly as possible without putting the fragile recovery at risk.

In this context, perhaps a focus on waste is useful. It certainly makes people think about how much taxpayers’ money is spent on activity of little or no


The Budget and public spending

Mar 24th

Cuts in the public sector are what everyone has been expecting. How much and how fast is yet to be seen but it is going to be tough. 

 The challenge brings an opportunity because chopping piecemeal here and there won’t deliver the savings; so public service organisations will have to re-think what is delivered, how it is delivered and the system of institutions that do the delivering. 

It’s time to demolish silos, cross boundaries, get over precious professionalism, ignore the usual excuses and do what is right. 

Read the Budget at a glance  http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/8584608.stm